1. Labs shed a lot. A female will generaly blow her coat (shed heavily) 2 times a year with her heat cycle. All other Labs neutered and unneutered males, and spayed females will shed moderately throughout the year and more so as the seasons change. This hair collects on furniture, clothes and blows accross the floor in tumbleweeds. You will be amazed on where you will find the dog hair. As we like to say, "Home is where the dog hair sticks to everything except the dog"。
1. 拉拉掉毛掉的很厲害。一個女生拉拉一年會在她發情的時候有兩次嚴重掉毛。男生和結紮過的女生還是會每年跟著季節的變化等等適度地掉毛。這些毛會粘在傢具上,衣服上,然後像風滾草一樣在你家的地板上隨風飄來、飄去。等你從不可思議的地方找到它掉的毛、你一定會被“驚喜”到。就像我們說的那樣:“狗毛會粘在家裏的任何東西上,除了狗狗以外。”
2. Labs are people dogs. If you have allergies to dog hair, dander or saliva, you will probably have problems with a Lab. The somewhat oilier coat does keep down some dander, but not all of it. Many breeders and owners would be glad to have you visit their dogs to see if you can tolerate being around them. It is never fair to get a puppy then find out your allergies are too bad and you have to tie the dog up outside away from the family for the majority of its life. A Lab should be with people. They should not be left outside away from their people. They will not be happy living that way. Think of what is best for the dog。
2. 拉拉跟人很親很親。如果你對頭皮屑,狗毛,狗口水過敏,你可能會對拉拉有意見。雖然拉拉毛上的油對一些皮屑有所控制,但是,並不是全部的。盡責的育种家和主人在賣他的狗狗給你前應先讓你和狗狗接觸,看看你是否有過敏現象。為了狗狗好,最好早點發現如果家裏人對狗狗會過敏,要不然,當你需要把它束在外面或另找主人時,對狗狗是十分不公平的。拉拉是非常喜歡人狗,它們應該跟人養在一起,要不然就像是在虐待它們一樣。為狗狗多想想吧!
3. Labradors are not clean. If you are a neat freak, you will not like a Lab. They shed. They can dig holes in your yard. Track in mud. Chew on things. Rub up against and leave marks on your walls. Clear off the coffee table with one wag of its tail. If you are a neat freak, and want a dog as a showpiece, don't get a Lab. Get a stuffed dog or one of those new robot dogs。
3. 拉拉並不乾淨。如果你有潔癖,你不會喜歡拉拉。他們會脫毛。他們會挖洞,他們會在泥巴裏賽跑。咬東咬西。把剛剛從外面帶進來的東東往你潔白的墻壁上摩。有時侯一高興就幫你清掉咖啡桌上的雜物,就尾巴一搖就搞定了!如果你有潔癖,而你養狗是拿來當展示品,不要養拉拉。你可以買毛絨玩具,或那種機器狗也可以。
4. Labs need a lot of exercise. The Labrador is an active breed. This may not seem a problem if you are in the mood for some exercise yourself. But they need an outlet for this energy every day. That means when it is raining, on days you work late, when you are not feeling good- your Lab will still want to go for a run, walk, play ball, go swimming...whatever you two do. If you do not provide an outlet for his pent-up energy....he may find one!